Every successful startup founder's journey begins with some variation of this:
There is an observed problem. |
It needed to be solved that day.
| That solution created an opportunity.
What should the hook convey?
But there are some complexities.
| Some businesses are formed by identifying problems that create an opportunity.
Some identify opportunities and create new categories. | But at the end of the day, you are providing some value for which people are ready to pay, either to you or to an advertiser or to a merchant.
| This is what the hook would need to convey. So what should good hooks have?
The first couple of minutes should pique their interest.
The investor's first investment is time.
He/ She should want to invest the next 15-20 min listening to your story.
And should feel like it was a great conversation. | In fact, you don't have to talk about your company yet.
Just educate!
Here is what I know works
The intro section can conclude in 3-4 slides, but let’s say that the segment you belong to is still at a nascent stage, you can take a couple of more slides to educate the investors more about it.
2 Ensure your research is from a reliable source and give credit 3
Each slide can effectively communicate one message, only put in so much information to achieve that. You might confuse your audience if you are trying to tell too many things at the same time. 4
This section is a ramp you are building before you introduce your business. Lead the story with that goal in mind. #startups #entrepreneurship #venturecapital
Posts in this series:
Step 1: Mastering the hook
Step 2: Getting a valued proposition
Step 3: Modeling the future
Step 4: Go to market strategy
Step 5: Getting the math right
Step 6: Designing the right Ask